Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Someone to Watch Over Me*

I was reading this morning in Psalm 71 where David prays for God not to leave him in his old age. In my 20s I thought this was a nice sentiment. Today it feels a bit more relevant having just now arguably made a case for abandonment. Really, sometimes I feel like I should probably be driven to the wilderness and left. And I ain’t going to survive like that TV guy who digs tubers and eats roaches.

It’s been raining steadily all day. Chilly and wet. Not a big deal, just that it adds to the minor key. I went to the Good Food Store. I didn’t notice I was hurrying, but maybe I was. Denis always thinks I’m hurrying and not paying attention to the semi bearing down on me. Came out with two canvas bags loaded, stepped off the curb, twisted my ankle and fell down in a disgraceful heap, wracked a knee and the heel of my hand. They still hurt! Not that I’ve never done this before. But this time I managed to somehow use the other knee to explode a half gallon of milk which, again, somehow, shot up my arm, totally drenching my jacket, my glasses, the side of the car…I knelt there on all fours in a puddle of rain and milk, shocked, then realized I’d also lost a shoe. I put the remaining groceries in the car and finally found it way under a black Jeep parked in the next space. Totally unreachable. Do you know how it feels to, like, dream you’re naked at the public library and then you wake up relieved that it was only a dream? I kept wishing I’d wake up when I had to walk back into the store and ask for help, limping, one shoe missing, dripping with milk, looking, I’m sure, deranged. A sweet young man gallantly got on his hands and knees in the rain and with a stick poked my shoe back out and handed it to me saying, well, at least you didn’t break your leg. Which I maybe coulda done now that… oh well, not to go into that. I guess I did cry a little when I got into the car. At home, Denis was upset and is trying to give me shuffling lessons. Don’t RUN! he says. Don’t even WALK! Just SHUFFLE.

I’ve changed my mind about the wilderness and am asking to be taken out for dinner. Denis loves me a lot, but in the end, I’d say it takes a bigger person to shepherd us through the parking lots.
*I like Willie Nelson's rendition of this song.


Micah said...

What a day! Or rather a trip to the grocery store. I hope today the sun is out, your ankle/knee is feeling better, and you shoe is dried out. Love you

Anonymous said...

I must admit, I laughed at your fiasco and then felt guilty about it! Don't shuffle, Margie--everyone will think you are a deranged woman with Parkinson's. Hope Denis took you to dinner.

domandkat said...

Reminds me of the time I got out of the shower to shut the bathroom door and slipped on the floor falling rather dramatically banging the back of my arm on the corner of the countertop. I felt like I was in a comic movie somewhere. It hurt, but I ended up laughing at the imagined sight of me falling like that. Obviously I was in a much lighter mood than you were yesterday because in a darker mood I would have reacted much the same way.

Meanwhile in my own version of reading through the Bible I am stuck in Ezekial. Is there any way to actually ENJOY reading it? I want to hunger for the word of God, but frankly, I've lost my appetite thanks to Zeke...

But back to you. Maybe you shouldn't take your "trips" to the store quite so literally...

Margie Haack said...

Thanks, Micah. Am okay.
Yes, domandkat, Ezekiel is hard. I do some skimming there. How to get thru the many details of the temple? He does emphasize God's awareness and judgment against economic injustice, greed, pride, ambition... as in this passage: "In the abundance of your trade you were filled with violence.." (28:16) Remarkable how applicable to our time.

Debbie said...

Poor, poor dear. Once I was in the WalMart parking lot in the pouring rain with my purchases and a car key that wouldn't work without setting off the car alarm and everything was falling and I dropped the key and anyway--it still makes me tremble to think of it. So I think there should be no shopping in the rain. Hope you are feeling better.